Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thank you SkyWest

Dear Gunther,

In June, it'll be four years since I've left my home in Hawaii.  Living in Salt Lake City, UT. has been one of the most exciting, hardest, best learning experiences in my 23 years of life on earth.  I've accomplished things I have never thought I would do in my life.  Many people had doubts, and I have to admit, I had some doubts too.  When I moved here, I had no idea what I was going to do. Get a job, go to school, anything.  I just wanted to get out of mom and dad's house and experience things for myself.  I wanted to make my own mistakes, and learn from them.  It'll have been six months since I've moved out of my brothers home, into my 3 bedroom apartment.  It's been a learning experience living with roommates, but it gives me a chance to grow as an individual.  And of course, the love of my life, my job.  I know not many people can say "I love my job."  But, I for one can say that, "I love my job".  Working for the airline industry has its benefits and down falls.  The money isn't all that great, but when you can fly to an exotic location in first or business elite class FOR FREE!!! Life doesn't get any better.  It hit me the first time I flew to London; one of my "must do's" before I die.  I walked into West Minster Abbey and touched Queen Elizabeth's tomb (one of my heros), gave me goose bumps.  Life doesn't get any better.  Especially for a young polynesian guy, who grew up in a small town on an island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  What a dream come true.   Since then I've been to Paris, Barcelona, Cannes, Florence, Pisa, Rome, and Amsterdam.  I've seen great buildings from the past still standing in the future.  I've walked where the ancients walked.  I've seen amazing cathedrals that stood against the test time, great structures dedicated to religion.  I've been to the secret annex where a young jewish girl and her family hid from the Nazi army to stay alive.  Reading her diary in the 8th grade, I never would have thought that I'd be going to the place where they hid later on in my life, and actually stand there.  Yes, I am proud to say it, I love my job. Thanks SkyWest, you're the best!!
